Magazine Layout Design

In the Magazine Layouts, my goal was to make the reading experience enjoyable and visually appealing. I achieved this by carefully choosing dynamic cover designs and making sure the page transitions flowed seamlessly. The aim was to create a design that looked good and kept readers hooked.
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Board Games

8 Board Games, I crafted every little detail, from the colorful brochures and fun cards to the sturdy boxes. These games are designed for kids aged 3-10, aiming to bring both creativity and learning into play, providing a delightful experience for our little ones.

Book Covers

In the Book Cover Design part, I share my creative journey of crafting captivating covers for children's books. Each design tells a story, aiming to grab kids' attention and spark their imagination. Filled with vibrant colors and playful illustrations, these covers aren't just protective, but they're like doorways to magical worlds, inviting young readers to dive into exciting adventures.


Categorized projects into 3 sections

Digital Design

The digital designs contains Websites, Web AR, Game project and more...

Print Design

In this section, the projects are Board Games, Magazine Design, Book Covers, Brochures, and more...


That section contains more about the animation and video edits

Hello, thank you for watching my portfolio and please don't hesitate to contact me.
+1 (672) 336-8998

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